Category Archives: Python

Leveling up snapd integration tests

Over the last several months there has been noticeable and growing pain associated with the evolving integration tests around snapd, and given the project goal of being a cross-distribution platform, we are very keen on solving this problem appropriately so … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Assembly, C/C++, Cloud, Design, Go, Hardware, Haskell, Java, Lua, Project, Python, Ruby, Snippet, Test | Leave a comment

Reference strepr implementation

In an effort to polish the recently released draft of the strepr v1 specification, I’ve spent the last couple of days in a Go reference implementation. The implemented algorithm is relatively simple, efficient, and consumes a conservative amount of memory. … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Erlang, Go, Java, Lua, MongoDB, Perl, Project, Python, Ruby, Security, Snippet | 2 Comments

IEEE-754 brain teaser

Here is a small programming brain teaser for the weekend: Assume uf is an unsigned integer with 64 bits that holds the IEEE-754 representation for a binary floating point number of that size. The questions are:

Posted in C/C++, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, Math, Perl, Puzzle, Python, Ruby, Snippet | 7 Comments

strepr v1 (draft2)

Note: This is a candidate version of the specification. This note will be removed once v1 is closed, and any changes will be described at the end. Please get in touch if you’re implementing it. Contents Introduction Supported values Representation … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Article, C/C++, Cloud, Design, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, Lua, Math, MongoDB, Python, Ruby, Security | 14 Comments

The heart of juju

The very first time the concepts behind the juju project were presented, by then still under the prototype name of Ubuntu Pipes, was about four years ago, in July of 2009. It was a short meeting with Mark Shuttleworth, Simon … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Cloud, Design, Go, MongoDB, Project, Python | 6 Comments

Exceptional crashes

Last week I was part of a rant with a couple of coworkers around the fact Go handles errors for expected scenarios by returning an error value instead of using exceptions or a similar mechanism. This is a rather controversial … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Article, C/C++, Design, Go, Python, Snippet | 16 Comments

Unix-like pipelines for Go

This weekend the proper environment settled out for sorting a pet peeve that shows up every once in a while when coding: writing logic that interacts with other applications in the system via their stdin and stdout streams is often … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, C/C++, Design, Go, Python | Leave a comment

Synchronicity: threads vs. events

There are a number of common misconceptions in software development surrounding the idea of concurrency. This has been coming for decades, and some of the issues have just been reinforced one more time in an otherwise interesting post in LinkedIn’s … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Go, Java, Python | Leave a comment

Less is more, and is not always straightforward

Rob Pike just wrote an article/talk that is the best background on the origins of Go yet. It surprises me how much his considerations match my world view pre-Go, and in a sense give me a fulfilling explanation about why … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Article, C/C++, Design, Go, Python | 5 Comments

Bazaar, the git way

Back at the Ubuntu Platform Rally last week, I’ve pestered some of the Bazaar team with questions about co-location of branches in the same directory with Bazaar. The great news is that this seems to be really coming for the … Continue reading

Posted in Conference, Design, Go, Project, Python, RCS | 8 Comments