Category Archives: Snippet

Leveling up snapd integration tests

Over the last several months there has been noticeable and growing pain associated with the evolving integration tests around snapd, and given the project goal of being a cross-distribution platform, we are very keen on solving this problem appropriately so … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Assembly, C/C++, Cloud, Design, Go, Hardware, Haskell, Java, Lua, Project, Python, Ruby, Snippet, Test | Leave a comment

Holiday hardware hacks

Last night I did a trivial yet surprisingly satisfying hardware hack, of the kind that can only be accomplished when the brain is in holiday mode. Our son has that very simple airplane toy, which turned out to become one … Continue reading

Posted in Assembly, Hardware, Project, Snippet | Leave a comment

Announcing yaml v2 for Go

There were a few long standing issues in the yaml.v1 package which were being postponed so that they could be done at once in a single incompatible change, and the time has come: yaml.v2 is now available. Besides these incompatible … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Design, Go, Project, Snippet | Leave a comment

The new Go qml OpenGL API

As detailed in the preliminary release of qml.v1 for Go a couple of weeks ago, my next task was to finish the improvements in its OpenGL API. Good progress has happened since then, and the new API is mostly done … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, C/C++, Design, Go, Project, Snippet | Leave a comment

Announcing qml v1 for Go

After a few weeks of slow progress on the qml package for Go, action is starting again. The first important change is the release of the new v1 API, which is motivated by conversations and debugging sessions we’ve had at … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, C/C++, Design, Go, Project, Snippet | Leave a comment

Arbitrary Qt extensions with Go QML

As part of the on going work on Ubuntu Touch phones, I was invited to contribute a Go package to interface with ubuntuoneauth, a C++ and Qt library that authenticates against Ubuntu One using the system account made available by … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, C/C++, Design, Go, Project, Snippet | Leave a comment

QML components with Go and OpenGL

As recently announced, my latest endeavor at Canonical is to enable graphical client-side development with the Go language via a new qml Go package that integrates the language with Qt’s QML framework. The QML framework solves the problem of designing … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Article, C/C++, Go, Project, Snippet | Leave a comment

An AVR assembly test suite

About a year ago I ordered a pack of 10 atmega328p processors from China to play with. They took a while to get here, and it took even longer for me to get back to them, but a few days … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Go, Hardware, Project, Snippet, Test | Leave a comment

Twik: a tiny language for Go

As part of one of the projects we’ve been pushing at Canonical, I spent a few days researching about the possibility of extending a compiled Go application with a tiny language that would allow expressing simple procedural logic in a … Continue reading

Posted in Architecture, Design, Go, Project, Snippet | 3 Comments

Reference strepr implementation

In an effort to polish the recently released draft of the strepr v1 specification, I’ve spent the last couple of days in a Go reference implementation. The implemented algorithm is relatively simple, efficient, and consumes a conservative amount of memory. … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Erlang, Go, Java, Lua, MongoDB, Perl, Project, Python, Ruby, Security, Snippet | 2 Comments