Early last year the gopkg.in service was introduced with the goal of encouraging Go developers to establish strategies that enable existent software to remain working while package APIs evolve. After the initial discussions and experimentation that went into defining the (simple) design and feature set of the service, it’s great to see that the approach is proving reasonable in practice, with steady growth in usage. Meanwhile, the service has been up and unchanged for several months while we learned more about which areas needed improvement.
Now it’s time to release some of these improvements:
Source code links
Thanks to Gary Burd, godoc.org was improved to support custom source code links, which means all packages in gopkg.in can now properly reference, for any given package version, the exact location of functions, methods, structs, etc. For example, the function name in the documentation at gopkg.in/mgo.v2#Dial is clickable, and redirects to the correct source code line in GitHub.
Unstable releases
As detailed in the gopkg.in documentation, a major version must not have any breaking changes done to it so that dependent packages can rely on the exposed API once it goes live. Often, though, there’s a need to experiment with the upcoming changes before they are ready for prime time, and while small packages can afford to have that testing done locally, it’s usual for non-trivial software to have external validation with experienced developers before the release goes fully public.
To support that scenario properly, gopkg.in now allows the version string in exposed branch and tag names to be suffixed with “-unstable”. For example:
Such unstable versions are hidden from the version list in the package page, except for the specific version being looked at, and their use in released software is also explicitly discouraged via a warning message.
For the package to work properly during development, any imports (both internal and external to the package) must be modified to import the unstable version. While doing that by hand is easy, thanks to Roger Peppe’s govers there’s a very convenient way to do that.
For example, to use mgo.v2-unstable, run:
govers gopkg.in/mgo.v2-unstable
and to go back:
govers gopkg.in/mgo.v2
Repositories with no master branch
Some people have opted to omit the traditional “master” branch altogether and have only versioned branches and tags. Unfortunately, gopkg.in did not accept such repositories as valid. This was fixed.
These changes are all live right now at gopkg.in.